Jaclyn’s Story of Hope

Rotarians Walk to Honor Manhattan Terror Attack Victims

Rotarian Danny Garcia and members of the Rotary Club of Greater Newburgh, NY, honored the victims of the October 31st terror attack in Manhattan, where 8 people lost their lives (5 from Argentina). The Rotarians walked the path (from Chambers Street to the memorial site) where the tragedy took place and paid their respects to … Continued

Morocco March, 2014

Daniel Garcia’s peace walk in Morocco

Cuba! March, 2012

Daniel Garcia visited his ancestral home of Cuba in March 2012, in conjunction with the visit of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, March 24 – 29, 2012.

Costa Rica Peace Pole Presentation

Congressman Julio Orozco Alvarez and the people of Costa Rica on Sep 21, 2011, the International Day of Peace and the National Day of the Bible Peace Walker Traverses Costa Rica – Sep 16, 2011

Walk of HOPE for HAITI

Santo Domingo to Port-au-Prince for Earthquake Victims Daniel Garcia, “The Walking Man”, conducted a cross-country prayer walk from the Dominican Republic to Haiti and pray for the victims of the earthquake which devastated the island nation of Haiti on January 12, 2010. The walk began Feb 22nd from Santo Domingo to Port-au-Prince Haiti. Arriving February … Continued

Walk for Wounded Warriors at the Aug. 8th Pow Wow

Walk for HEALING THE WARRIORS with Global Walker Daniel Garcia walked from the Battle of Bennington Monument in Bennington, Vermont to the site of the Rock, Rattle and Drum Pow Wow on August 8th. Daniel walked to honor all Veterans in support of White Eagle’s Veteran’s “Healing the Heart” Program and Conference. Free for Veterans, … Continued

Walk from DC to NYC

The three-day U.S. Freedom Walk Festival stepped off Friday afternoon in Rosslyn, VA.  For at least one participant, it is a few more miles in his mission to spread freedom and peace around the globe… Read More – News Channel 8 – Annual ‘Freedom Walk’ Steps Off in D.C    

Peace Sanctuary to Ground Zero

Daniel Visits Friends at the United Nations – New York City, NY

Daniel Garcia with Susan Manuel, Chief, Peace & Security Section for the Department of Public Information, United Nations The United Religions Initiative (URI) UN Cooperation Circle wished Daniel Garcia a safe and productive walk!  The members of the URI UN CC are listed with the organizations they represent at the United Nations:   Monica Willard (URI); Martha … Continued

Jaclyn’s Story of Hope

Jaclyn met Daniel in New York City on December 19th.  Read her story below: I was born, everything was fine. But, when I was around 2 months old, I was diagnosed with Shone’s Syndrome. This is a disease which relates to many problems involving the heart. At 3 months old, I had my first surgery…