Walk to the Virginia Tech Memorial

May 16th, 2007

Daniel Garcia and his Global Walk Team walked from the Sully District Police Station, Chantilly, VA, to Blacksburg, VA, the site of the April 16th horrific shooting on the campus of Virginia Tech, where 32 tragically lost their lives. The walk symbolized healing for the families of the victims, students, faculty and staff of Virginia Tech. The team also walked to honor fallen police officers during National Police Week, May 13-19, 2007.

The Global Walk Team started the walk from the Sully District Police Station (Chantilly, VA) where two police officers were slain one year ago. The team then walked to Westfield High School to honor the memory of WHS graduates who died on the Virginia Tech cam犀利士

Through the walk, the team met many people who were affected by the events that took place at Virginia Tech.  The team was able to offer many prayers of love and healing.


 Walk to Virginia Tech – Press Release