Global Walk Inspires Hope One Step at a Time

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“Global Walk Inspires Hope One Step at a Time”

One of the best articles to date that explains the mission and heart of nonprofit #GlobalWalkInc which I have the honor of leading.  Thanks to the incredible writing of @AllieShipe of #NationalReligiousBroadcasters for highlighting the purpose of Global Walk.  Our focus is walking and praying for children and world peace during #MilitaryAppreciationMonth 2024.

Inspire Hope, Share Wisdon, Aid those in Need

“… to raise funds and bring awareness to children’s charities, humanitarian relief, and more….
Walks for peace to financially benefit causes that {seek our} support.  Throughout Garcia’s numerous, storied advocacy endeavors, {Danny Garcia Walking Man} has walked to raise awareness of crises and disasters, fund emergency infrastructure projects.  Most importantly, though, Danny walks to meditate and pray for those in need.”
#nonprofit #walking #praying #childrensrights #worldpeace #dannygarciawalkingman #usmcvietnamveteran #usafveteran #usafagrad 壯陽藥
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