Iconic Property Advisors of Melbourne, FL – Hispanic Family Gives Back

National Vietnam War Veterans Day March 2022

I am a #usmcvietnamveteran with South Vietnamese Air Force pilots and veterans, whose children serve in the US Armed Forces. Honor, humility, gratitude. We thank you now and on #VietnamVeteransDay 2022.  Honored to greet and stand with South Vietnamese Air Force vets; #dannygarciawalkingman on #nationalvietnamwarveteransday 2022. With Col Vihn Dao, Sean and Steve Dao, all pilots and incredibly … Continued

Pope Francis Receives “Marines Don’t Cry”

  By the grace of God, with help from our sponsors, we attended the Papal Audience on Dec 22, 2021, and presented our book to Pope Francis in Rome. MC = Mission Complete.  What an adventure amidst Corona, the holidays; God is faithful and HE cleared the path for this special moment. One week later … Continued

Iconic Property Advisors Sponsor Client Appreciation

VIVA y GRACIAS, Brad and Alisa! Generations who #givebacktothecommunity — to see the Fairman Family (Brad Sr. & Mama Rosa, brother, SIL) supporting Brad Jr. #BradTitoFairman and #AlishaFairman as they and their EXP Realty partners joined forces to thank and appreciate clients and friends. Downtown Melbourne, FL was hopping and really coming back to life. … Continued

Pearl Harbor 80th & Global Walk 25th

  We remembered and honored those lost at Pearl Harbor, 1941 (80 years ago).  #BrevardVeteransMemorialCenter welcomed WWII veterans, who told stories of where they were on Dec 7th, 1941, and how that day impacted them, their lives (rationing and travel), and their future service to our country. Incredible to see these patriots once again and … Continued

“Marines Don’t Cry” Book Signing

  ✍️️Our book signing at Camp Lejeune, NC; great to be around active-duty Marines, their families, and retired Marines still serving, like “Cass” still on duty @ 96 years old.  Check out 👉 marinesdontcry.com  Thanks to Mike Carter and MyGSgt Huff. 🇺🇸 Honoring veterans, first responders, and their families (Photo credit: Eve Patterson, [email protected]) @dannyg_walkingman … Continued

Marine Corps Ball, Happy 246th Birthday

Thanks to our dear friends at #GITax and US Bookkeeping of Melbourne FL for the invitation and generous backing of the Marine Corps Ball hosted by Marine Corps League Barefoot Bay Detachment 918. We made a flag presentation to the Commandant Allen Civita and members of the detachment and gifted our book “Marines Don’t Cry” … Continued

First Responders Childrens Foundation Receives Peace Pole Award

🏅First Responders Children’s Foundation Receives Award During 20th Anniversary Gala (Oct 27, 2021)🏅 We were honored to present Founder & Chairman Al Kahn, President Jillian Crane, and the Board of Directors of the Foundation with a Peace Pole in recognition of their 20 years of tireless work for children of First Responders across the country. … Continued

Flag Presentation – VFW Loudoun County, VA

🚗 October 2, 2021.  Friends, we are getting around and visited our former home of Leesburg, VA.   Talked about the Vietnam War, the Memorial Wall, and PTSD (the last chapter of our book). Choked up; cried. This VFW post honored us and was incredibly respectful.🇺🇸 What a great visit to #VFWPost1177 with Leesburg Mayor Kelly … Continued

Tuxes & Tails, Brevard Humane Society Charity Gala

2021 Tuxes and Tails fundraiser for #Brevardhumanesociety. Silent auction drum goes home with Garcias. With Executive Director Teresa Clifton and long-time corporate sponsors #rocksolidrocks LLC team decked in patriotic colors. All for homeless pets. We love the staff and volunteers in #cocoaflorida working tirelessly at the #Brevardhumanesociety @brevardhumanesociety @dannyg_walkingman @jackiecg_usafa85

Iconic Property Advisors of Melbourne, FL – Hispanic Family Gives Back

As CEO, Global Walk Inc., I accepted a donation from generous sponsors, Brad and Alisha Fairman of #iconicpropertyadvisors #melbourneflorida. They give a portion of every sale to military and veteran not for profits. Love you, Brad and Alisha and your FOUR BEAUTIFUL children.  Honoring veterans, first responders, and their families. #outstandinginthefield #LatinoLeaders #LatinoRealtor #supermomlife #latinaleaders … Continued